Vicky Bell
Phone or text: 07305968371
Space for Parents
I thought it might be useful to hear from a fellow parent about this service....
“As childhood becomes more and more complicated we as parents are called upon to respond to situations we never encountered when we were young.
Parenting doesn't come with a handbook it does however come with lots of second guessing and self-criticism.
Vicky offers a sounding board and an opportunity to work things through before diving in feet first!
She has had 13 years of experience counselling children and young people and has brought up 3 children. The chances are that situations which would throw most parents into a spin she has probably encountered and may offer a fresh perspective.
We all know the old adage of a problem shared is a problem halved but how often have you tried to unburden to a friend only to get distracted by their own problems which often 'trump' yours?
In this service Vicky will devote time to helping you work through the issues which are affecting your child and family.
Supporting and guiding your child has never been easy, but with Vicky's personal and professional experience to draw upon it becomes an easier path.”
And now from me...
Welcome. Are you worried about a child or young person in your life……maybe parenting/caring responsibilities feel overwhelming………you feel that a child or young person in your life really needs some help and support but they’re refusing or there’s just nothing available.
Raising the next generation is certainly challenging and as is so often said ……there’s no manual and anyway each is different! I’m able to provide you with a space where you can be heard and express how it is for you, your worries/frustrations/questions/joys and triumphs. A place where you won’t be judged, time just for you where you can be heard, say how it is for you no holds barred; an opportunity to explore what is going on for your child and options you have; a place where we can recognise your capabilities and challenges as a parent, consider what has shaped these and how you want to respond. In short a place to flourish…………….where you can flourish as impossible as that may seem at the moment. In turn see your Child or Young Person flourish to…….whatever that looks like for them.
I have extensive experience of counselling children and young people having worked for Relate and Place 2 Be and currently for YMCA over the last 13 years. I’m a qualified counsellor and supervisor and supervise other Children and Young People’s Counsellors; I have studied extensively since qualifying as a Person-Centred Therapist including Systemic Family Therapy.
I am also more than happy to work with your child/young person themselves if they are open to this and following an initial conversation, we all agree this is suitable. I am also able to work with you as a family.
I can work Face to Face in Southsea or online using VSee (a video calling platform similar to Zoom and Face Time) or by phone, if that suits you better.
Please see my contact details below or use the form if you would like to discuss this service with me further.