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My services

Space for parents

Are you worried about a child or young person in your life……maybe parenting/caring responsibilities feel overwhelming………you feel that a child or young person in your life really needs some help and support but maybe they’re refusing or there’s just nothing available.

Children & young peoples counselling

I’m an experienced Children’s and Young Person’s Therapist having worked in this field for over a decade now

Online & phone services

I am able to offer most of the services I provide, online or over the phone. This can make them more accessible as well as providing greater flexibility and choice.

Pastoral supervision

I am able to provide Pastoral Supervision that is based in an accepting, non judgemental and supportive relationship where the worker (supervisee) is at the centre, whilst those they work with are not forgotten. The context and organisational needs within which the work takes place is also recognised.

Counselling individuals

So what is counselling, well for me it is a relationship that I as counsellor  seek to provide which you as client may use for your own personal growth. This may be whatever it is for you... I believe that each and every one of us has the capacity to be more than what we currently are and to live in a way that is more fulfilling.

Counselling supervision

I have been practising as a Supervisor since 2016, following undertaking appropriate training, as well as having gained a Reflective Therapeutic Practice Degree. I bring to the role extensive experience working  as a counsellor since 2007; predominately with children and young people but also families and adults.

Family counselling

Would you like a space where you can explore how you relate together, maybe to improve communication or navigate a challenging time that you're facing or have faced as a family. I will work with you all to seek to provide a service that best meets your needs 

Faith / Spirituality

I provide all my services in a way that is sensitive to an individual's wishes with respect to spirituality, belief, religion and faith.

I have experience of supporting people as they explore these areas, including when navigating times of change or transition or when spiritual abuse has been experienced.

Vicky Bell
Counselling and Supervision Services 
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Registered Member of  British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy  (BACP)

Registered Member of Association of Christian Counsellors  (ACC)

Member of Association of Pastoral Supervisors and Educators (APSE)

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